Keynotes and Masterclasses 2024

To give you an idea of the range of keynotes, masterclasses and webinars I can help you with, here are some events from the last 12 months…

Brilliant Ideas

  • Is happiness relevant for leaders and why don’t we talk about it? For example, this was a successful interactive masterclass for the top 100 leaders at Admiral Group

  • Based on my book, Revolting Women, this keynote has been delivered globally for FTSE 250 companies. We talk about why midlife women are exiting organisations and what companies can do to prevent this exodus. An incredibly popular subject, giving visibility to an often-invisible cohort of women!

  • What about having Revolting Women as part of your Book Club? For example, that’s what The Man Group, and other companies, have done. Lends itself to an in-person and/or on-zoom event for all your global book club members.

  • The world is ageing, and so is the workplace. This keynote explores the Longevity Landscape, offering key information and a positive approach to the ageing workforce.

  • I love this keynote and masterclass! We explore what confidence is and how to go about increasing personal confidence, enabling women to embrace challenges and opportunities. Zurich Global WIN (Womens Network), worked with me to incorporate this masterclass into their two day online summit.

  • Combining a historical perspective, with the future potential, I explore Revolting Women through the ages! This is what Dorothy Byrne (ex Head of News for Channel 4, and President of Murray Edwards College Cambridge) and I did for the Hay Festival 2024.

  • A new series of masterclasses for 2025, helping executives at midlife design the next chapter of their lives with confidence, ease and style!

And if you want more ideas, what about these:

  • Resilience in the Workplace - what is it and how can we get more of it?

  • Working Fast and Smart in a Fast Changing Marketplace

  • The Foundations of Positive Psychology – making it useful in your life and your coaching practice

  • Harnessing your Strengths to perform at Your Best

  • Managing your Emotions and increasing your Emotional Intelligence

  • Happiness – what it is and how to achieve it!

  • Strengths Based Coaching

  • Leading change with Resilient Leadership

What People Are Saying